Taskjar forgets its contents?

Patrick Wiseman pwiseman at mindspring.com
Sat Jul 27 17:03:03 CEST 2002

On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, I wrote:

> Playing with task[b|j]ar, I put my sound mixer, which starts up every time
> I startx, in the jar, since I don't need to mess with it so long as it's
> up and running, but, on rebooting, it's back on the bar instead of in the
> jar.

That's fixed, of course, by putting 'Taskjar GMIX*' in
~/.xfce/taskbarrc; it would still be nice if the jar remembered its
contents from session to session.


Patrick Wiseman
pwiseman at mindspring.com
Linux user #17943

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