Could we just keep XFce defaults the same?

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Sat Jul 27 10:05:32 CEST 2002


On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 04:04, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, I wrote:
> [I ran xfce_setup to create taskbarrc, etc, but ...]
> > It also - and this I think is not good - changes my default colors.  All
> > of a sudden, I have darkish green window borders.  What the heck's with
> > that?
> Could we just leave the defaults alone?  Why do they keep changing?
> I _like_ change over which I have some control; change over which I have
> no control just pisses me off, especially when it serves no obvious
> purpose.

Dunno what you're talking about... Sorry :-/

Olivier               <fourdan at>  
XFce is a lightweight  desktop  environment  for  various *NIX systems. 
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