Desktop panning and a nitpick (was Re: How do I disable/modify desktop panning?)

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Sat Jul 27 01:18:39 CEST 2002

On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 17:55, Ben Hall wrote:

> Right, but the default is small, so to be consistent wouldn't it make
> more sense to change the big panel to: 
> > .-----------,
> > |  1  |  2  |
> > |-----|-----|
> > |  3  |  4  |
> > `-----------'
> to respect the new default?  Maybe it's not worth the bother in XFce3,
> but if V4 still behaves in this way it may be confusing.

	It would probably be better to have it like that but it's been 1324
since the beginning.
> (Don't mind me, I'm just cranky 'cause I'm on page four of a very stupid
> math problem for my lousy linear programming course... grumble..)

	Heh, take my advice...  suffer through it.  I don't have any formal
training.  It's been the biggest thing holding me back.

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