Desktop panning and a nitpick (was Re: How do I disable/modify desktop panning?)

Jasper Huijsmans huysmans at
Fri Jul 26 17:39:53 CEST 2002


That's not what I meant. I meant the program that controls the xsession.
When you quit this program X will quit as well. For xfce3 this is xfwm
if I'm correct and the panel asks xfwm to quit if you quit the panel.

For xfce4 I'm now running xfce4 as the controlling app, so quitting the
panel will quit X. Gnome uses a separate session manager as controlling
app. There's also ROX-Session.

I was wondering if there is a way to find out which app controls the X

This is all very much off-topic of course ;-)

On Fri, 26 Jul 2002 16:24:41 +0100
David Wijnants <dwijnants at> wrote:

> A program can guess that it is running as a module by looking at the
> command line parameters, the two numbers (e.g. 7 and 4) are the file
> descriptors through which it exchanges commands with xfce (such as
> 'Quit' or 'Desk 2').
> Dave.
> Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> > 
> > I wonder if it is possible to know if the panel is the
> > 'session-controlling' app (I don't know how this is called)?
> > 
> > Jasper
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