What about a donation page for Xfce ?

Mark Welker welker at kmbs.com
Thu Jul 18 22:51:50 CEST 2002

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Neal wrote:

> Olivier and group,
> Supporting Xfce is an obligation that we all share.  Some of us are not
> skilled in coding (like me) so we have, IMHO, an even greater obligation
> than those who write and debug the code.
> We can nominate/vote on regional collection agents until/if an online
> payment means is developed.  My personal preference would be to send
> cash to a person in the US who would add it to the other donations he
> had received.  That would result in one bank transaction instead of
> many.
> --
> Neal


I don't use credit cards either.
I would be willing to send a check to some one in the U.S.A.
if the would forward it.
Joe Klemmer comes to mind.

Mark Welker
welker at kmbs.com

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