Vote for XFce
Net Llama!
netllama at
Wed Jul 3 16:09:38 CEST 2002
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Kristian Rink wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 09:30:23 -0400 (EDT)
> Net Llama! <netllama at> wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Paulo Roberto wrote:
> > > I used to use KDE, and I never heard about XFCE untill it was
> [snip]
> > > desktop, cause you got so used to XFCE running so damn smoothly
> > > and fast, I consider a sin running KDE again.
> >
> > It *is* a sin to run KDE. I've seen it bring 4way boxen to their
> > knees. Stupid bloatware.
> Hmm, it's amazing, actually: Being back on Chemnitz LinuxTag in
> 2001, I had several discussions here with some of the KDE people who
> claimed that my machine (PII-350, 196 meg RAM, Debian sid, lately)
> is way fast enough to not just run but to actually _work_ with KDE2,
> so I tried and found it to be annoyingly sloooooooow in quite a lot
> of everyday work situations so I was back with XFCE pretty soon.
> Guess I could buy myself a new machine, anyhow, but some days ago I
> had the chance at work to debianize an Athlon XP 1800+ - based
> machine with hard drives which are faster than mine and a whole
> bunch more RAM inside (same software setup as my machine here), and
> it's astounding to notice that, even on that machine, KDE2.2.2 isn't
> _really_ faster, startup of the desktop itself still takes an
> incredible amount of time, so does launching of _any_ KDE-based
> applications. I really wonder what sort of problem this package is
> having... at least, it was amazing to see XFCE3 and the first parts
> of XFCE4 running on that machine. :)
I dunno either. It remains a mystery to me how they turned, what had
quite a lot of potential, into some of the most bloated unstable code ever
to run this side of M$. KDE-1.1.2 was the last decent release from them,
and even that wasn't a speed demon.
Lonni J Friedman netllama at
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