Non-XFCE question...

Philip Dean pdengineer at
Thu Dec 19 15:37:08 CET 2002

Two questions really, the first is a XCFE question.

1.  Does anyone know how the REMOTEHOST and REMOTEUSER is set when you do a rlogin to linux?  Is there a system script or something like that.

2.  Does 3.8.18 that comes with Mandrake 9 usable, or will I still need to rebuild it from source?  I am looking at upgrading

Thank you.  I know the first isn't XFCE, but to be honest, I have been reading this list for several months and you guys and gals seem to be the most knowledgable and helpful.

They say if your PC isn't working reboot...
Hummm.... I haven't rebooted in months!!
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