How can one find all the current defaults

Harry Putnam reader at
Thu Aug 29 02:12:56 CEST 2002

Chris Scheller <schelcj at> writes:

> i assure you it works for me.

I don't doubt it at all Chris, but wondering what is going on with my

>> I found:
>>   # Change alt tab behavior
>>   Key Tab A M -
>>   Key Tab A SM -
>>   Key Tab A M Next [!Iconic Current Desk] __builtin_focus_raise__
> dropping the !Iconic speeds things up *alot*.

Strangly, I find that leaving just [Current Desk] in the brackets 
prevents it from working at all here.

Must be other stuff in my xfwmrc.  I've incorporated some of the
stuff found on your website and have some of my own keycombos but
beyond that it is the stock xfwmrc that ships with the distribution.

I'm inlining it below incase you can spot something, commented stuff
and messyness included.


# Fonts (should be overridden by xfce options)
MenuFont            -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-*-*
WindowFont          -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-*-*
IconFont            -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-*-*

# Do you want a small animation ?
AnimateWin          Off

# Colormap policy :
ColormapFocus       FollowsFocus

# Focus mode (should be overridden by xfce options)
FocusMode           ClickToFocus
AutoRaise           Off

# Set the delay for auto-raise mode :
AutoRaiseDelay      750

# Enable/disable session management :
SessionManagement   On
# Delay session startup (in seconds) to reduce disk/cpu usage
WaitSession         5

# Enable/disable shaped icons :
UseShapedIcons      Off

# Icon placing stuff :
IconGrid            10
IconSpacing         5

# You can change the number of visible buttons on the title bar here :
ShowButtons Right   3
ShowButtons Left    3

# You can toggle bitmap/vector buttons on the title bar here :
# BitmapButtons       Yes

# In focus follow mouse, may the focus be changed even if mouse 
# pointer didn't move (You should keep this unchanged unless 
# you're running Corel Word Perfect 2000) :
ForceFocus          Yes

# In focus follow mouse, may the focus be changed whenever a new window
# is mapped :
MapFocus            Yes

# In focus follow mouse, should the window be raised by a click
# inside the application window (X standards would say "no" here
# but some people find this more handy when set to "yes") :
ClickRaise          Yes

# Margins: That will prevent xfwm from placing windows outide the margins
# (unless the application spefically asked for a given positionning) and
# maximized windows will stay within the limits.
# Do not set margins larger that actual screen size !
Margin Top     0
Margin Left    0
Margin Right   0
Margin Bottom 50

# Xfwm now honors the WM_HINT "Input" and acts accordingly. If you don't want
# this feature, use the following parameter to disable it (Some applications
# wrongly set input hint to false and therefore will never get focus unless 
# "HonorWMFocusHint" is set to "No") :
HonorWMFocusHint     Yes

# Style used for some known applications :
Style "*"			BorderWidth 5
# Style "xfce"			StayOnTop, AllowFreeMove
Style "xfce"                    AllowFreeMove
Style "Alert"			Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "Question"		Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "Message"			Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "xfbd"			Sticky 
Style "xfpager"			Sticky
# Style "*lock"			Sticky
Style "gmc-desktop-icon"	WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, CirculateSkipIcon
Style "gkrellm"			CirculateSkip, CirculateSkipIcon
Style "xeyes"			NoTitle

# Some applications ask for a specific location.
# This should be honored unless you're using Xinerama
# and the application that asks for a positionning 
# is not Xinerama aware and asks for an arbitrary
# location.
# Gimp 1.0.x is like that : It keeps asking for its main
# window to be placed at (0,0) for no reason. This can
# be annoying when using Xinerama. For this kind of application,
# you can use the flag "Authorize_Translate" that tells xfwm 
# to translate the coordonates to the current screen even if the 
# application asked for a specific location.

Style "The GIMP"      		Authorize_Translate
Style "Netscape"      		Authorize_Translate

# Default icons for most common apps
Style "*term*"      icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "*TERM*"      icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "Term*"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "rxvt*"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "xmag"        icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/MagnifyGlas.xpm"
Style "xosview*"    icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/CPUChip.xpm"
Style "editres*"    icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Editres.xpm"
Style "*calc*"      icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/OldBlueAddingMachine.xpm"
Style "*GIMP*"      icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Gimp2.xpm"
Style "Xpaint*"     icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/3dpaint.xpm"
Style "*game*"      icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/TrueDie.xpm"
Style "*.jpg"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.gif"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.png"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.bmp"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.xpm"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.xwd"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.JPG"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.GIF"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.PNG"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.BMP"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.XPM"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.XWD"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "XMMS*"       icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/CDPlayer.xpm"
Style "*gnome*"     icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Gnome-apps.xpm"
Style "*Gnome*"     icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Gnome-apps.xpm"
Style "*GNOME*"     icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Gnome-apps.xpm"
Style "xfskin*"     icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/xfskin.xpm"
Style "sylpheed"    icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/Mail.xpm"
Style "xclipboard"  icon "/usr/local/share/xfce/icons/ArtFolderFull.xpm"

# Common init and restart functions
#AddToFunc "InitFunction"
#+ "I" Module xfpager
#+ "I" Exec xterm
#AddToFunc "RestartFunction"
#+ "I" Module xfpager
#+ "I" Exec xterm

# Adding a user menu to the default root menu :
# (This is just a sample, modify it to fit your need)
# Uncomment the following lines to create a user menu
#AddToMenu "user_menu"
#+ "&Gnome Terminal" Exec gnome-terminal
#+ "" Nop
#+ "&The GIMP" Exec gimp

# Another (new) much smarter way is to append entries to a file
# called $HOME/.xfwm.user_menu
# For example, to add an new entry in user menu, this file would contain a 
# single line like this :
# AddToMenu "user_menu" "&Gnome Terminal" Exec gnome-terminal

# Uncomment the following if you want tot remove default keyboard shortcuts
# (Some applications require this, as they use the same shortcuts)
#Key Tab A M -
#Key Escape A S -
#Key Escape A C -
#Key Left A SC -
#Key Right A SC -
#Key Up A SC -
#Key Down A SC  -
#Key Left A SM  -
#Key Right A SM  -
#Key Up A SM  -
#Key Down A SM  -
#Key F1 A M -
#Key F2 A M -
#Key F3 A M -
#Key F4 A M -
#Key F5 A M -
#Key F6 A M -
#Key F7 A M -
#Key F8 A M -
#Key F9 A M -
#Key F10 A M -
#Key F11 A M -
#Key F1 A C -
#Key F2 A C -
#Key F3 A C -
#Key F4 A C -
#Key F5 A C -
#Key F6 A C -
#Key F7 A C -
#Key F8 A C -
#Key F9 A C -
#Key F10 A  C -
#Key L5 IW N -
#Key L5 IW S -
#Key L5 IW C -
#Key L7 IW A -
#Key Delete A CM -
#Key Left A CM -
#Key Right A CM -
# Remove the "Alt+Click = move" binding
#Mouse 1 W M -
# Remove root click (required for GNOME proxy win)
#Mouse 0 R A -
#Mouse 1 R A -
#Mouse 2 R A -
#Mouse 3 R A -

# Uncomment the following if you prefer a single click on an icon 
# to restore the window.
# AddToFunc __IconFunc__
# + "C" Iconify

# Use of Windows keys under Xfce :
# Edit (or create) $HOME/.Xmodmap and add the following lines :
# keycode 115=F13
# keycode 116=F14
# keycode 117=F15
# Then run xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap
# And your Windows keys will be mapped to the root menu and window menu
# thanks to the following bindings :

Key F13 A N Popup __builtin_root_menu__
Key F14 A N Popup __builtin_root_menu__
Key F15 A N Popup __builtin_window_menu__

## ====== From Chris Scheller examples
# Remove CTRL+F* for switching desktops
Key F1 A C -
Key F2 A C -
Key F3 A C -
Key F4 A C -
Key F5 A C -
Key F6 A C -
# Now remap our workspaces to ALT+Number
Key 1 A M Desk 0 0
Key 2 A M Desk 0 1
Key 3 A M Desk 0 2
Key 4 A M Desk 0 3
Key 5 A M Desk 0 4
Key 6 A M Desk 0 5
Key 7 A M Desk 0 6

# Change alt tab behavior
Key Tab A M -
## Key Tab A SM -
Key Tab A M Next  __builtin_focus_raise__

## hp customizations
## ==================

Key e   A CS Exec emacs -geometry +500+300 . 
Key t   A CS Exec xterm -geometry +600+400
Key s   A CM Exec xterm -geometry +550+450 -bg midnightblue -fg antiquewhite
Key b   A CS Exec netscape -no-about-splash -geometry +400+300
Key k   A CS Exec xterm -geometry +700+500 -e vim +'/xfpager\.geom' ~/.xfce/xfwmrc
Key v   A CS Exec gvim -fn 9x15 -geometry +660+460 .xfce
Key r   A CM Restart
Key q   A CSM Quit
Key m   A CS Exec xterm -geometry +500+500 -e mutt
Key c   A CS Exec xfclock
Key 1   A CS Exec xterm -geometry +300+350 -bg darkslategrey -fg wheat -e ssh root at localhost
Key n   A CS Exec emacs  -title "  ---* OFF_GNUS *--"   -bg black -fg antiquewhite2 -l ~/.emacs-dir/two-gnus.el 
Key x   A CS Exec xset m 14 2.5
# map Alt-z  to pop up root menu
Key z  A M Popup __builtin_root_menu__
# map ^-ESC to xkill.. handy for killing misbehaving apps
Key Escape A CM Exec xkill
# Options for xfpager :
*xfpager.geometry 170x120+1141+1050
# [HP 08/17/02 17:42  Changing the font seems to have no effect]
*xfpager.font 9x15

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