xterm phenomena

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Tue Aug 20 13:51:58 CEST 2002

On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 01:22, Harry Putnam wrote:

> I've learned what attribute or xresource sets what you see
> as Bold Blue and I see as Bold White,
>   *VT100*colorBD:
> What was causing my bold stuff to disappear (really it was turning
> black on a black xterm).  Mine was set like this:
>   *VT100*colorBD:       black
> But oddly that same setting on gnome/sawfish xterms doesn't disappear
> on a black xterm (I mean real xterm not some other term like
> gnome-terminal) So apparently some other things come into play
> depending on wm.

	Sounds suspiciously like sawfish isn't quite obeying the X resources.

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