Stuck minimized icons

Robert Serphillips rserphillips at
Tue Apr 30 04:09:46 CEST 2002

Thanks but I was referring to the minimized icons being stuck  ;)
 I can move xmms and the panel when the are maximized I just can't move the icons.


On 30 Apr 2002 02:12:09 -0400
Joe Klemmer <klemmerj at> wrote:

> On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 18:31, Robert Serphillips wrote:
> > Xmms and the XFce panel seem to be stuck on the desktop. Stuck in the sense that I can't drag them around and re-position them. I remember seeing this problem before but can't find any solutions to it.
> 	You move the panel by clicking and holding on the shaded areas on the
> outside of the panel.  The ones that look like this:  ///////
> 	As for xmms, I can move it around by clicking and holding on the top of
> the window where the menu bar would be on a regular XFce/xfwm window.
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