Observations on 3.8.16

K. Prasad mvkp at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 24 08:48:17 CEST 2002


As far i can see there is no problem with your window
borders. The current style of the window border
appears to be Linea. If you bring up the setup dialog
by clicking on the palette shaped icon on xfce
toolbar, and select windows tab, you can see the
available border drawing styles and set the one you

--- Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, K. Prasad wrote:
> > Can you provide a screenshot of your desktop? That
> will help me understand
> > your situation better. What bits per pixel does
> your x server support?
> > i.e. 8bpp/16bpp/24bpp etc.
>   The X server supports them all, but 24 bpp is the
> default and has been for
> at least 3 years on this monitor/video card.
>   Screenshot (appropriately entitled,
> 'screen-dump.jpg') is attached.
> Thanks,
> Rich
> Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
>                        Applied Ecosystem Services,
> Inc. (TM)
>             2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR
> 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
>  + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |
> rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
>                          http://www.appl-ecosys.com

> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=screen-dump.jpg

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