Screen Capture (was: Re: A different approach)

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Wed Apr 24 01:43:45 CEST 2002

On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 17:59, gardnerj at wrote:

> >   Open up the GIMP, select File | Acquire and go from
> >  there. It'll capture
> > either a single window or the entire display.
> > 
> You can actually do the same thing with ee, takes a bit
>  less time to open than GIMP, if you have it.

	I ended up using the GIMP because I couldn't find where to do it in
ee.  I seem to remember the older versions of XFce had a screen capture
selection in the default XFce?rc file.

	Anyway, thanks to all and Rich, you should already have an email with a
screen dump by now.

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