eliminate graphics from minimized icons?

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at webtrek.com
Sat Apr 20 22:54:00 CEST 2002

On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 15:54, Prahlad Gupta wrote:

> When I minimize a window, I like to have the minimized view show up
> with only the text label, i.e., with no graphic image.  Under
> dtwm/CDE on Solaris 7, I have this set up with the following
> specifications for dtwm in my .Xdefaults file:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dtwm*iconPlacement:                     Left Top
> Dtwm*iconImageMaximum:                  60x5
> Dtwm*iconDecoration:                    label activelabel
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is there a way to achieve the same thing with cfe?
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated --

	I don't think this can be done currentlly but it wouldn't be a bad
thing to have.

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