[Xfce-i18n] xfce4-weather-plugin met.no API documentation and translations

Harald Judt h.judt at gmx.at
Thu Jul 19 11:27:25 CEST 2012


Since the translation of the weather plugin can prove a bit difficult 
concerning certain terms, maybe the API documentation can give you some 


Especially the FAQ might provide insightful information:

I know that there may still be cases these pages do not cover, but 
unfortunately I don't have more information either. You might want to 
search for the remaining problematic terms on relevant pages. Also, 
other translation teams might already have an answer to your questions.

BTW: The same links are in the README file of the project.

As far as I am concerned, 0.8.0 is ready and in string-freeze, but I'll 
wait till Sunday or Monday before releasing it, in case some nasty bug 
shows up. If someone gives it a try before that, please report any 
issues to the bug tracker, or send me a mail. I'll be happy to answer 
any questions you have.


`Experience is the best teacher.'

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