[Xfce-i18n] translation of gsynaptics-mcs-plugin

Harald Servat redcrash at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 11:02:48 CEST 2009

Hello list,

  I've seen that the Xfce webpage [1] refers to the forthcoming 4.6.1. So
I'd like to finish the translation into catalan before the release.

  I have some of the remaining translations finished, but as shown in the
translation status [2] gsynaptics-mcs-plugin remains untranslated. However,
this goodie does not exist in my svn local copy (downloaded using the
xdt-i18n script).<http://i18n.xfce.org/stats/show_po.php?lang=ca&branch=goodies/trunk&component=gsynaptics-mcs-plugin>Why
it's not downloaded by xdt-i18n? How do I download it?

Thank you!

[1] http://www.xfce.org/
[2] http://i18n.xfce.org/stats/?lang=ca&branch=goodies/trunk

Empty your memory,
with a free()...
like a pointer!

If you cast a pointer to an integer,
it becomes an integer,
if you cast a pointer to a struct,
it becomes a struct.

The pointer can crash...,
and can overflow.

Be a pointer my friend...
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