[Xfce-i18n] [OT] translation service spam

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Sat Sep 22 09:38:34 CEST 2007

Hey guys, this is utterly off-topic. I just received this spam from
some French company that seems to be interested in taking over from

 "We are a one stop translation service solution for all your language

  Our translation agency provides the highest quality translation
service in all
  languages across a wide spectrum of subjects. At trans.online we know that
  communication is fundamental to the success of our business. Above all, we
  understand how important it is to listen carefully to the needs of
our clients. Only
  then can we ensure that our translation service is tailor made to
fulfil their
  translation requirements. At trans.online we are a trusted language
  provider and believe it is vital to forge strong partnerships with
all of our clients, from
  the individual to the international company. Our client base is as
diverse as our
  clients' needs, so whatever the project, make sure that it stays
stress free with
  Trans.online translation agency and our tailor made translation service."

Lol. They don't stand a chance compared to your 'translation service'
;-)  And 'all languages', what's that supposed to mean, anyway.

I'd rather put my trust in you. Thanks for your continuing  efforts!

I wonder how they decide who to send their spam to...


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