[Xfce-i18n] [zh_CN] xfdesktop and xfce4-panel update

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at bluewin.ch
Fri Mar 30 10:52:36 CEST 2007

risky a écrit :
> Hi guys.

Hi Wu Li,

> I had update the xfdesktop and xfce4-panel file. If you found some 
> thing wrong  drop me a mail plz and it's free LOL Offline now.
your translations are ok and committed, but... You might want to have a 
look at the i18n.xfce.org website and download the scripts to translate 
the 4.4 version of Xfce first. To use these you will need subversion to 
be installed on your computer.

Here are some steps for a quick start:

* install subversion
* download the translators scripts
* create a folder called svn and inside one called xfce_4_4
* copy the 4.4 scripts in the xfce_4_4 folder and "cd" into it
* type "./checkout-xfce_4_4-po.sh
* translate the *.po files for your language
* once you are done translating, type "svn diff > diff.patch"
* send us the patch and we will commit it :-)

> Regards
> risky

Best regards,

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