回复: 回复: [Xfce-i18n] simplified chinese web page files of xfce.org

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at bluewin.ch
Sun Mar 25 15:14:51 CEST 2007

沧海一蜉蝣 a écrit :
> hi Max,
Hi Ben,

> Thanks for your reply.
> Here is the utf8 files.
> Any problem, let me know.
No problem anymore on this side, I was about to convert all your files 
when you sent in the encoding you used for it but with the zip you send 
now there is no need for me to convert anymore.

I uploaded your files but it seems I have forgotten something so the 
translated website will not show up until I find out what I do wrong.

The other thing that you could do is look how you reply to mails as it 
is really borked for the moment. You can see that on the archives page 

> Regards!
> Ben

Best regards,

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