[Xfce-i18n] pt_PT translations

Maximilian Schleiss maximilian at xfce.org
Thu Jun 14 00:34:31 CEST 2007

On mar, 2007-06-12 at 23:23 +0100, Nuno Miguel wrote:

Hi Nuno,

> Sorry, here it is the patch.
did you use the scripts for Xfce 4.4 from the i18n.xfce.org website? If
so, you should now have a folder with all the packages and their
respective po folders, I will name it xfce_4_4 in this instruction. In
each package's folder you translated the pt_PT.po files. That's good.

Now go in the root of this xfce_4_4 folder, where all package folders
are to be seen, and just type "svn diff > pt_PT.patch" and send the
newly created file to this list. By doing this you will save yourself
and myself a lot of unnecessary copy&paste actions.
> Regards,
> Nuno Miguel

Best regards,

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