[Xfce-i18n] update Georgian translation

Maximilian Schleiss maximilian at xfce.org
Wed Jun 13 19:51:12 CEST 2007

On mer, 2007-06-13 at 21:39 +0400, Dimitri Gogelia wrote:
> Sorry, after 1 week I'll send version 4.2 and after 2-3 weeks 4.4

If I may suggest, it is way more important that you start with 4.4 and
then, when you are done with it, start translating 4.2 if you feel like

> Can you help me commit?

Please send us the problems you encounter with svn and we will look if
we can do anything about it. In the meantime you can grab translator
scripts from the i18n.xfce.org website and send us the patches to this
list, we will take care to commit your work.

> Thanks!

Thank you for helping out in bringing back to life the Georgian

Best regards,

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