[Xfce-i18n] Starting translation. With trunk or 4.4 branch? Xml files for Xfdesktop

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at bluewin.ch
Tue Feb 27 18:19:34 CET 2007

Eren Türkay a écrit :
> Hi all;
Hi Eren,

> I have started to translate xfce to Turkish.

this is good news as the Turkish translations are in really bad shape. 
You are very welcome in Xfce's translation effort.

>  Someone started but it's too old and not maintained. It's for old versions and the last translation date is 2005 :-)
Many changes have been brought to Xfce in the meantime. You can still 
use the existing files and update them.

> I have 1 question. Which *.pot files do I have to translate? In svn/trunk or 4.4 branch?
The best thing to do is to pick up the scripts you can find on the 
i18n.xfce.org website and begin translating the 4.4 branch. Once you are 
done with it, send the files to this list. You will need "Subversion" to 
do so, read the i18n website, many helpful tips are to be found there. 
Send a mail to this list f you have any question or suggestion about the 
i18n website.

> And, here is the translated menu files for xfdesktop
These will be committed in the 4.4 branch, as the menu in trunk has been 
removed for a complete revamp by it's developer.

> Regards,
> Eren

Best regards,

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