[Xfce-i18n] xfce4-mixer strings

Daichi Kawahata daichi at xfce.org
Thu May 4 15:37:20 CEST 2006

On Tue, 2 May 2006 17:42:35 -0300
Adriano Winter Bess wrote:

> Hi,

> I've noticed some translatable strings in xfce4-mixer source in
> the file lib/trans.c. However, I just can't figure out how are
> these ever going to be used somewhere. In fact, both variables
> `oss_names' and `irixal_names' are never refered to in any other
> place in xfce4-mixer sources, so my best guess is that they aren't
> used at all. Can anyone confirm this?

Conversation with #xfce-dev at 2005-11-19 21:33:22 on dic at irc.freenode.net (irc)
(21:33:49) dic: again here
(21:34:06) dic: dannym: hi
(21:34:43) dannym: hi daichi :)
(21:34:53) dic: please look at xfce4-mixer/trunk/lib/trans.c
(21:35:21) dic: char *oss_names[] = {
(21:35:21) dic:         _("Vol"), /* Master */
(21:35:21) dic:         _("Pcm"), /* PCM output */
(21:35:37) dic: i think "N" requires in static array
(21:35:50) dic: otherwise, they're never localized
(21:36:22) dic: also, where's oss_names itself? i can't find it in your code
(21:37:20) dannym: dic: in the oss library in the kernel
(21:37:39) dannym: module*
(21:38:03) dannym: trans.c is dummy code that is just there that gettext picks them up
(21:38:08) dannym: it is never compiled
(21:39:23) dic: well okay, hmm

You'll translate those strings for;

  a. Users who are using OSS audio system.
  b. Users who are using IRIX/O2 audio library (IRIX AL).

in Brazil, I bet the latter would be really few though.


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