[Xfce-i18n] [FR] start working on xfce4-panel

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at bluewin.ch
Sat Jun 3 16:16:29 CEST 2006

Hello to all,

I am finishing the translation of the xfce4-panel french .po file and 
would ask you some advice about some dark points of my translation. Here 
they are:

msgid "Span Monitors"
msgstr "Étendre les moniteurs"

msgid "Handle:"
msgstr "Position des poignées:"

msgid "The Zero Install GUI has finished, but the launcher dialog has 
disappeared in the meantime. Not adding launcher (but any files 
downloaded have not been lost)."
msgstr "Fin de l'installation de Zero Install GUI, entretemps la fenêtre 
du lanceur a disparu. Le lanceur n'est pas ajouté (les fichiers 
téléchargés ne sont pas perdus)."

msgid "Separator or Spacing"
msgstr "Séparation ou espaceur"

msgid "Urgency Notification"
msgstr "Notification d'urgence"

msgid "_Icon button"
msgstr "Bouton de l'icône"

msgid "Action Buttons"
msgstr "Boutons d'actions"

Thank you in advance for your kind replies.


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