[Xfce-i18n] Translation statistics suggestion

Adriano Winter Bess awbess at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 00:31:30 CET 2006


The translation statistics page for Xfce[1] is such a great "tool" and
(at least for me) helps monitoring the translation process of all
Xfce components.

Anyway, there's something which I believe would be of great help. I
don't know PHP neither how difficult would be to implement this, but
here goes the suggestion: when one chooses to view the translation
statistics for a specific branch and language (not component) only the
statistics for those components which have already been translated once
into that language are shown (which, BTW, makes a lot of sense). I think
it would be nice if, besides this, there was also a list with the
components which still have not been translated into this specific
language. Maybe instead of a list, the component could be shown the same
way as the others, with all messages still untranslated.

I know one could say that if you want to know which components still
don't have a translation for a specific language, you can check the
translations for that specific component or even see which components
exist and are not listed for the specific language. Anyway, I still
think that it would be nice to have this kind of information in the
same place for specific branch and language.

[1] http://i18n.xfce.org/stats/

Adriano Winter Bess
ICQ: 21569917
Irc: nyquide

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