[Xfce-i18n] How to add Translation

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Wed Sep 22 15:04:39 CEST 2004

On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 06:24:44PM +0530, Ankit Patel wrote:
> Hello all,
> I want to translate the files of xfce to my native language
> ("Gujarati"). 
> Can anybody help me.
> Actually i have downloaded the source from the net using cvs and starts
> the translation, But i don't know how to update?
> Can anybody help me regarding this?

You can send the translated po files to this list and someone (Jean Francois
usually) will add them to CVS.

If you want to test the translations before sending them, here is a short
explanation on how to add a new translation:

1) Add your translated po file to the po/ directory

2) edit the configure.ac file in the top source directory.

In the file is a macro listing the available translations, e.g:

BM_I18N ([ar de fr es nl pl])

You should add your own language code (gu ?) to that list.

3) run ./autogen.sh .

4) Now you can ./configure && make && make install and the program should show
the translations.

We are happy to do that for you, though. 

When you update an existing translation things are much easier and you can
simply build the package using the updated po file.


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