[Xfce-bugs] [XFCE 0000083]: xffm: right panel icons disappear if you start w/ the right panel hidden

xfce-bugs at xfce.org xfce-bugs at xfce.org
Tue Jan 20 05:26:00 CET 2004

The following bug has been RESOLVED.
Reporter:                   GammaRay
Handler:                    edscott
Project:                    XFCE
Bug ID:                     0000083
Category:                   xffm
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 fixed
Date Submitted:             2004-01-16 19:44 GMT
Last Modified:              2004-01-20 04:26 GMT
Summary:                    xffm: right panel icons disappear if you start w/ the right panel hidden
1. Hide right pane by dragging center seperator to it's rightmost
2. Close xffm and open it back up again
3. Unhide right pane

The icons will "not be there" until you click to expand one of the trees.

 GammaRay - 2004-01-16 19:46 GMT 
BTW the title should read:

"xffm: right pane icons disappear if you start w/ the right pane hidden"

 edscott - 2004-01-16 20:33 GMT 
I cannot reproduce problem with either CVS-HEAD (gtk-2.2.2 freeBSD-5.1) nor
4.0.3 (gtk-2.2.4 linux-2.4.22).

Could it be your version of gtk?

 GammaRay - 2004-01-16 21:10 GMT 
I'm using gtk 2.2.4 from Mandrake Linux 9.2. 

I also just attached an image of the bug.

 edscott - 2004-01-16 21:43 GMT 
Indeed. The filenames are missing as well as the icons. Please wait a short
while and update your CVS just to check if current version has the same
problem. You will know your CVS is up to date if you can rename files by
simply clicking on the file name to edit. Let us know if the problem

 GammaRay - 2004-01-16 22:55 GMT 
Ok.. updated and has the renaming bahavior you described. But the problem
is still there.

 edscott - 2004-01-17 02:25 GMT 
Seems to me like a Mandrake specific issue, as if the gtk library were
compiled with some sort of optimization that does not realize pixmaps
until actually displayed. I dunno what could be broken with the Mandrake
built binaries. Unless someone with a Mandrake box (not me) can come up
with a patch this bug will go unfixed to 4.2.

 GammaRay - 2004-01-17 02:37 GMT 
I'm going to recompile from source from gtk.org and see if it persists.

 GammaRay - 2004-01-17 03:07 GMT 
Ok, after a recompile of gtk+, the file names are there but the icons still
are not.

 edscott - 2004-01-17 03:35 GMT 
Well, seems we're moving in a positive direction. The icons reside in X
server memory, so it is possible that glib is also screwy and is the cause
of the invisible icons. Try recompiling glib.  Maybe that will complete
the trick. If it does, the problem should be brought to the attention of
the Mandrake guys too.

 GammaRay - 2004-01-17 03:54 GMT 
Ok, glib recompile complete, but no such luck. Same thing.

 edscott - 2004-01-17 14:48 GMT 
It might be the Xfree server. That one takes a loong time to compile, but
there are binaries at the XFree site. Apparently no system but Mandrake
experiences this problem.

 edscott - 2004-01-20 01:25 GMT 
OK, I can now reproduce the error, so it is not Mandrake specific. If you I
have the autosize filenames on, then all is well for the name column, but
the icon column is too small so no icons are visible. Without the autosize
filenames, the name column is also invisible. No problems with the other
columns, so it must be related to the sizing characteristics of the

 edscott - 2004-01-20 04:26 GMT 
I'm almost sure this bug is fixed with changes uploaded today to CVS. The
bug is
reproduceable on FreeBSD and is due to faulty autosize function in gtk,
and that is probably the same situation in Mandrake. 
Please verify if bug is fixed in Mandrake, and if it is not, reopen bug.

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