[Xfce-bugs] [XFCE 0000175]: taskbar systemtray only allows icons of a certain horizontal width

xfce-bugs at xfce.org xfce-bugs at xfce.org
Sat Apr 17 08:33:53 CEST 2004

The following bug has been RESOLVED.
Reporter:                   benxor
Handler:                    olivier
Project:                    XFCE
Bug ID:                     0000175
Category:                   other
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     resolved
Resolution:                 won't fix
Date Submitted:             2004-04-17 01:58 GMT
Last Modified:              2004-04-17 06:33 GMT
Summary:                    taskbar systemtray only allows icons of a certain horizontal width
I have found that, when running ed2k-gui (the 'edonkey2000 gui', a frontend
for the overnet p2p client) in GNOME or KDE, it's icon in the systemtray
is about 150pixels wide, showing up- and down-stream bandwidth usage by
the client. In XFCE4 however, it shows only a small portion of it - enough
to the see the far-left down-arrow icon which respresents part of the
downstream traffic display.

So, in short, the XFCE4 systemtray is cutting all icons to only one
icon's-width wide, when it should be allowing the tray'd app to set it's
own width for it's icon.

 olivier - 2004-04-17 06:33 GMT 
This is a duplicate and a "won't fix" issue (please see
http://bugs.xfce.org/view_bug_page.php?f_id=164 for details on why it
won't/can't be fixed)


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