ANNOUNCE: xfdashboard 0.9.2 released

Stephan Haller nomad at
Thu Apr 8 12:06:04 CEST 2021

xfdashboard 0.9.2 is now available for download from

What is xfdashboard?

xfdashboard provides a GNOME shell dashboard like interface for use with
Xfce desktop. It can be configured to run to any keyboard shortcut and
when executed provides an overview of applications currently open
enabling the user to switch between different applications. The search
feature works like Xfce's app finder which makes it convenient to search
for and start applications.


Release notes for 0.9.2
xfdashboard-0.9.2 "Gradients! Whoohoooo!" was released on 2021-04-08.

This is a development release.

* New feature: Enhanced new color class XfdashboardGradientColor
  to support also linear gradients besided solid colors
  (single colors) and path gradients. Added support to specify
  colors for XfdashboardGradientColor in CSS.
* Background fill color of XfdashboardBackground as well as outline
  color of XfdashboardOutlineEffect do support all types of new
  color class XfdashboardGradientColor, i.e solid colors, linear
  gradients and path gradients
* Fix failing to create texture for outlines because either width or
  height is zero (#8)
* Fix visual bug in default theme drawing wrong fill and outlines
  corners at workspace selector
* Fix not to draw outlines with rounded corners if background type
  has not set rounded corners like fill background has already checked
  for years
* Improved algorithm to detect application and determine its desktop
  file (*.desktop) for X11 windows by checking for the X atom called
  "_GTK_APPLICATION_ID" at X11 window properties and at Linux also
  lookup executable file from /proc filesystem in application database.
  For *BSD unixes I need help!
* Disabled applications-search-provider statistics as it uses a file
  instead of settings object or similar
* Smaller bug-fixes
* Clean-ups
* More API documentation
* Updated localizations:
    es, eu, gl, lt, nb, pt_BR, sv, tr

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