ANNOUNCE: parole 0.7.0 released

Sean Davis smd.seandavis at
Sun Jul 6 17:40:44 CEST 2014

parole 0.7.0 is now available for download from

What is parole?

Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework
and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop.


Release notes for 0.7.0
0.7.0 (Development Release)
- New Features
  - New Clutter video backend (build with --enable-clutter)
  - Video backend selection from Preferences dialog
  - New "Go to position" feature
  - GtkRevealer is now used for the controls with Gtk 3.10+
  - New "hide-controls-timeout" setting to specify when controls should
be hidden 
- Cleaned up deprecated widgets and callbacks
- Bugs Fixed
  - Fixed "value invalid or out of range" errors
  - Fixed "Source ID not found" errors
  - Prevent mouse cursor from hiding when dialogs are open
  - Multimedia keys can now be properly disabled with the Preferences
  - Fixed "Show Playlist" appearance in the menu and overlay
  - Fixed playlist file filter
  - Playback controls can now be always-enabled (Bug 10976)
  - Fixed subtitles with MKV files (Bug 9880)
  - Fixed audio cd playback (Bug 10902)
  - Fixed segmentation fault when sending filenames to existing instance
(Bug 10962)

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