Interested in a technical cross-platform mailing?

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe mengualjeanphi at
Mon Nov 11 23:50:12 CET 2013

Hi, We have just founded a group, called liberte0 (Freedom 0). Its 
purpose is to promote the accessibility for everybody, so that a high 
variety of users know the free software in accessibility matter, and to 
let a place so that people can have info on accessibility. This group is 
French, so our core mailing is in French, but it is about our actions 
with users and some support to french-speaking users (feedbacks, etc.). 
But in parallel we opened a multilingual website, whose purpose is to 
speak mainly in English. This is a technical mailing list. 2 purposes: 
1. enabling to new dev who want to work in accessibility technologies or 
to make thir free software accessible to have a place to ask questions, 
have feedbacks, with technical devs, so that they can understand that 
accessibility is not so hard, but it's especially an approach, and not a 
big effort. It's useful because we meet often devs 7who are interested 
but who don't know where to begin, where to have doc about the widgets, 
the at-spi, assistive technologies, etc. Typically I wasn't good to 
answer to openbox's dev who wanted to do efforts about a11y of her WM, 
I'm sure you could gi(e her basics to proceed. And maybe it would give 
ideas to some people to contribute to accessibility so that it is in 
progress. 2. I feel today one who want to have a global technical 
approach of the accessibility, in particular in GUI matter, needs to be 
subscribed to various lists. I think, even if I know most devs are 
subscribed to all lists, that it'd be useful to have a platform where 
all devs and power-users could have technical exchanges, if they work 
for Qt, GTK, distros, oriented or not, at-spi/qt-at-spi, etc. I think 
this mailing can gather on a single place all the a11y devs, that will 
enable to everybody to have the same info immediately, to discuss it, to 
speak together, to exchange their experiences, and so to make proceed 
accessibility in general, regardless the platform where a dev works (Qt, 
LibreOffice, OOo, Qt, Mozilla, etc.). If such a project is of interest 
for you, subsc!ibe to tech AT liberte0 DOT org. Don't hesitate to 
forward the address. You can subscribe sending a message to sympa AT 
liberte0 DOT org with subject: "subscribe tech". I hope the project, in 
particular this technical, can be considered as useful and that a full 
community of accessibility will have a common place to speak regardless 
the origin of everyone, technically and nationally. Don't hesitate if 
you have questions about this group, here or on the tech mailing list. 
We'll answer as much as we can. Regards, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL 
accelibreinfo, votre partenaire en informatique adaptée aux déficients 
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