XFCE4 roadmap

Rob Whyte fudge at thefudge.net
Sun Mar 24 02:01:27 CET 2013

Hi guys,
I have read and also talked to a couple of devs on IRC about known a11y
problems in xfce.
I am using Vinux 4 nightly with 4.10 and 4.12 ppa's activated.
Thunar with the custom widgets prevents me from using this as a file
manager without tabbing back and fourth to read items.
Curious why Orca still announces not selected?
Jannis mentioned that details view works but I can not reproduce this.
Which version of Thunar is the details view working in, I can grab a git
repo of it.

The other pressing issue that would be great to see fixed pretty quickly
is the ability to read Desktop icons with Orca using pcmanfm or Thunar.
I believe both can manage the Desktop?

Guys, is this a lot of work at this stage?
Are there more pressing a11y bugs that need to be fixed?

As far as I can see, without mentioning the panel and notifications
these are the two pressing issues that prevents XFCE being used more widely.

The Vinux community has been discussing an XFCE edition but at this
stage nothing has been decided officially.

Please feel free to use this thread and to not hold back, it is
important to be clear with these goals and man hours involved to achieve

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and hopefully
putting into workds what needs to be done.

Kind regards
Rob Whyte

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