[Xfc-dev] Xcfe4 wrapping features ?

Bo Lorentsen bl at lue.dk
Sat Dec 16 00:40:21 CET 2006

Bo Lorentsen wrote:

> 1. MCS setting access (cool thing, are there at standard for setting layout)
> 2. libexo (is it mature and do we need more ?)
> 3. FileDialog (will this have Thunar relation/bindings)
> 4. xfprint system (Does this work if GTK+ gets its own printing service ?)
> 5. Panel extension
> 6. Thunar extension
Ok, so the new wrapper plan could be :

1. libxfce4util, libxfcegui4
2. panel extension
3. libexo
4. thunar-vfs and thunar

I need to read a bit more code, and to start using XFC too.


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