[Xfc-dev] the relation between GTK+ and xfc

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Wed Jul 13 15:05:11 CEST 2005

Joeri Belis wrote:
>>XFC also has bindings to the Xfce platform libraries, which are extensions
> to
>>glib and gtk+. C# bindings to the xfce platform libraries might be
> interesting
>>though, for some people.
> So what is the difference between XFC and Xfce?

Xfce is the desktop and development platform. XFC is the C++ bindings to 
the libraries that ship with Xfce.

> I want to write programs that extent my Xfce desktop.

Currently you can only use C, C++ (XFC) or Python (pyxfce, pyexo) to 
write applications that use the Xfce libraries. But speaking of the core 
desktop libraries, atleast libxfcegui4 and libxfce4mcs, you don't need 
them in regular applications, as they contain mostly low-level 
functionality required specifically for core desktop apps like the 
window manager or the taskbar. You may need libxfce4util for the 
resource parser and the resource lookup module, tho GLib 2.6 provides 
similar modules (but atleast the XDG basedir implementation is not very 
useful in most cases).

You should first decide what kind of program you want to write and then 
decide on the language and the libraries you need.

You can check


to see what is provided by the Xfce libraries.


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