[Thunar-workers] [DokuWiki] page added: implementation:mime-glob-match-analysis

thunar-workers at xfce.org thunar-workers at xfce.org
Sun Mar 6 23:24:10 CET 2005

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New Revision: http://thunar.xfce.org/wiki/implementation:mime-glob-match-analysis
Edit Summary: created
User        : benny

====== Implementation - MIME Glob Match (Analysis) ======

This page contains an analysis of the data contained in the
''globs'' files of the Shared MIME Database. The analysis data
was generated by the tool
which was specifically written to analyse the requirements for
the implementation of the MIME Glob Matching.

The output below was generated by ''dump-globs-by-type'' with the
''shared-mime-info-0.15'' package. As you can see, the __Literal__
and the __Complex__ patterns are mostly meaningless (together 15
patterns) compared to the __Simple__ patterns (**400** patterns).

Literal patterns (10):
 gmon.out -> application/x-profile
 .DirIcon -> image/png
 COPYING -> text/x-copying
 INSTALL -> text/x-install
 CREDITS -> text/x-credits
 AUTHORS -> text/x-authors
 .gtkrc -> text/x-gtkrc
 gtkrc -> text/x-gtkrc
 RMAIL -> message/x-gnu-rmail
 core -> application/x-core

Simple patterns (400):
 *.abw.CRASHED -> application/x-abiword
 *.tcpalette -> application/x-terminal-color-palette
 *.gnumeric -> application/x-gnumeric
 *.desktop -> application/x-desktop
 *.cpio.gz -> application/x-cpio-compressed
 *.blender -> application/x-blender
 *.sv4cpio -> application/x-sv4cpio
 *.gnucash -> application/x-gnucash
 *.xcf.bz2 -> image/x-compressed-xcf
 *.torrent -> application/x-bittorrent
 *.tar.lzo -> application/x-tzo
 *.texinfo -> text/x-texinfo
 *.tar.bz2 -> application/x-bzip-compressed-tar
 *.kdelnk -> application/x-desktop
 *.karbon -> application/x-karbon
 *.abw.gz -> application/x-abiword
 *.xcf.gz -> image/x-compressed-xcf
 *.sv4crc -> application/x-sv4crc
 *.tar.bz -> application/x-bzip-compressed-tar
 *.tar.gz -> application/x-compressed-tar
 *.etheme -> application/x-e-theme
 *.pict1 -> image/x-pict
 *.glade -> application/x-glade
 *.xhtml -> application/xhtml+xml
 *.class -> application/x-java
 *.xslfo -> text/x-xslfo
 *.ustar -> application/x-ustar
 *.movie -> video/x-sgi-movie
 *.bcpio -> application/x-bcpio
 *.blend -> application/x-blender
 *.tar.Z -> application/x-tarz
 *.BLEND -> application/x-blender
 *.patch -> text/x-patch
 *.ps.gz -> application/x-gzpostscript
 *.theme -> application/x-theme
 *.pcf.Z -> application/x-font-type1
 *.pict2 -> image/x-pict
 *.CSSL -> text/css
 *.gcrd -> text/x-vcard
 *.texi -> text/x-texinfo
 *.cpio -> application/x-cpio
 *.roff -> application/x-troff
 *.moov -> video/quicktime
 *.sgml -> text/sgml
 *.zabw -> application/x-abiword
 *.djvu -> image/vnd.djvu
 *.cert -> application/x-x509-ca-cert
 *.sylk -> text/spreadsheet
 *.diff -> text/x-patch
 *.mpeg -> video/mpeg
 *.oleo -> application/x-oleo
 *.qtvr -> video/quicktime
 *.perl -> application/x-perl
 *.xbel -> application/x-xbel
 *.php4 -> application/x-php
 *.php3 -> application/x-php
 *.ilbm -> image/x-ilbm
 *.egon -> application/x-egon
 *.shar -> application/x-shar
 *.pict -> image/x-pict
 *.psid -> audio/prs.sid
 *.chrt -> application/x-kchart
 *.aiff -> audio/x-aiff
 *.smil -> application/smil
 *.jpeg -> image/jpeg
 *.aifc -> audio/x-aiff
 *.hpgl -> application/vnd.hp-hpgl
 *.msod -> image/x-msod
 *.siag -> application/x-siag
 *.midi -> audio/midi
 *.epsi -> image/x-eps
 *.xslt -> text/x-xslt
 *.epsf -> image/x-eps
 *.java -> text/x-java
 *.lwob -> image/x-lwo
 *.html -> text/html
 *.fits -> image/x-fits
 *.gtar -> application/x-gtar
 *.tiff -> image/tiff
 *.flac -> audio/x-flac
 *.css -> text/css
 *.abw -> application/x-abiword
 *.wk3 -> application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3
 *.dtd -> text/x-dtd
 *.mp3 -> audio/x-mp3
 *.mp2 -> video/mpeg
 *.sgi -> image/x-sgi
 *.msx -> application/x-msx-rom
 *.tgz -> application/x-compressed-tar
 *.wk1 -> application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3
 *.vct -> text/x-vcard
 *.cxx -> text/x-c++src
 *.vcs -> text/x-vcalendar
 *.ram -> audio/x-pn-realaudio
 *.mif -> application/x-mif
 *.lhs -> text/x-literate-haskell
 *.mid -> audio/midi
 *.arj -> application/x-arj
 *.slk -> text/spreadsheet
 *.bmp -> image/bmp
 *.pem -> application/x-x509-ca-cert
 *.mng -> video/x-mng
 *.csh -> application/x-shellscript
 *.kwt -> application/x-kword
 *.NSV -> video/x-nsv
 *.sql -> text/x-sql
 *.vcf -> text/x-vcalendar
 *.url -> text/x-uri
 *.gen -> application/x-genesis-rom
 *.pot -> text/x-gettext-translation-template
 *.dia -> application/x-dia-diagram
 *.nsv -> video/x-nsv
 *.uri -> text/x-uri
 *.sam -> application/x-amipro
 *.c++ -> text/x-c++src
 *.n64 -> application/x-n64-rom
 *.kra -> application/x-krita
 *.lha -> application/x-lha
 *.dsl -> text/x-dsl
 *.jar -> application/x-jar
 *.tga -> image/x-tga
 *.kwd -> application/x-kword
 *.svg -> image/svg+xml
 *.rpm -> application/x-rpm
 *.lws -> image/x-lws
 *.iff -> image/x-iff
 *.dcm -> image/x-dcm
 *.zoo -> application/x-zoo
 *.crt -> application/x-x509-ca-cert
 *.dcl -> text/x-dcl
 *.lwo -> image/x-lwo
 *.m3u -> audio/x-mpegurl
 *.ult -> audio/x-mod
 *.tar -> application/x-tar
 *.wmv -> video/x-ms-wmv
 *.oda -> application/oda
 *.mml -> text/mathml
 *.ac3 -> audio/ac3
 *.xsl -> text/x-xslt
 *.dxf -> image/vnd.dxf
 *.pyo -> application/x-python-bytecode
 *.669 -> audio/x-mod
 *.wml -> text/vnd.wap.wml
 *.jpx -> application/x-jbuilder-project
 *.avi -> video/x-msvideo
 *.rej -> application/x-reject
 *.fig -> image/x-xfig
 *.pdf -> application/pdf
 *.afm -> application/x-font-afm
 *.wmf -> image/x-wmf
 *.p12 -> application/x-pkcs12
 *.jpr -> application/x-jbuilder-project
 *.xcf -> image/x-xcf
 *.pyc -> application/x-python-bytecode
 *.pdb -> application/vnd.palm
 *.wrl -> model/vrml
 *.sun -> image/x-sun-raster
 *.cgm -> image/cgm
 *.zip -> application/zip
 *.cls -> text/x-tex
 *.kfo -> application/x-kformula
 *.spd -> application/x-font-speedo
 *.wri -> application/x-mswrite
 *.rtx -> text/richtext
 *.pnm -> image/x-portable-anymap
 *.mgp -> application/x-magicpoint
 *.cgi -> application/x-cgi
 *.exe -> application/x-ms-dos-executable
 *.htm -> text/html
 *.ief -> image/ief
 *.bak -> application/x-trash
 *.xml -> text/xml
 *.jpg -> image/jpeg
 *.png -> image/png
 *.jpe -> image/jpeg
 *.xmi -> text/x-xmi
 *.gif -> image/gif
 *.kpt -> application/x-kpresenter
 *.tex -> text/x-tex
 *.kpr -> application/x-kpresenter
 *.dwg -> image/vnd.dwg
 *.dbf -> application/x-dbase
 *.psf -> application/x-font-linux-psf
 *.sty -> text/x-tex
 *.qif -> application/x-qw
 *.kpm -> application/x-kpovmodeler
 *.pcl -> application/vnd.hp-pcl
 *.psd -> image/x-psd
 *.hdf -> application/x-hdf
 *.rtf -> application/rtf
 *.stw -> application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template
 *.xbm -> image/x-xbitmap
 *.tzo -> application/x-tzo
 *.php -> application/x-php
 *.gnc -> application/x-gnucash
 *.pcf -> application/x-font-pcf
 *.pcd -> image/x-photo-cd
 *.wav -> audio/x-wav
 *.rdf -> text/rdf
 *.man -> application/x-troff-man
 *.xlw -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.sdw -> application/vnd.stardivision.writer
 *.gsf -> application/x-font-type1
 *.stm -> audio/x-stm
 *.xlt -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.dat -> video/mpeg
 *.idl -> text/x-idl
 *.xwd -> image/x-xwindowdump
 *.sds -> application/vnd.stardivision.chart
 *.xls -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.obj -> application/x-tgif
 *.sdp -> application/vnd.stardivision.impress
 *.sti -> application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
 *.123 -> application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3
 *.mkv -> application/x-matroska
 *.kud -> application/x-kugar
 *.xlm -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.rss -> text/rss
 *.xll -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.std -> application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
 *.stc -> application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
 *.gmo -> application/x-gettext-translation
 *.cpp -> text/x-c++src
 *.dvi -> application/x-dvi
 *.ogg -> application/ogg
 *.wks -> application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3
 *.xld -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.sdd -> application/vnd.stardivision.impress
 *.sik -> application/x-trash
 *.flw -> application/x-kivio
 *.xlc -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.sdc -> application/vnd.stardivision.calc
 *.cur -> image/x-win-bitmap
 *.pbm -> image/x-portable-bitmap
 *.kon -> application/x-kontour
 *.lzo -> application/x-lzop
 *.xla -> application/vnd.ms-excel
 *.sda -> application/vnd.stardivision.draw
 *.ads -> text/x-adasrc
 *.iso -> application/x-cd-image
 *.h++ -> text/x-chdr
 *.pgp -> application/pgp
 *.sid -> audio/prs.sid
 *.ttf -> application/x-font-ttf
 *.ics -> text/calendar
 *.cer -> application/x-x509-ca-cert
 *.pgn -> application/x-chess-pgn
 *.pgm -> image/x-portable-graymap
 *.old -> application/x-trash
 *.lzh -> application/x-lha
 *.mpg -> video/mpeg
 *.pls -> audio/x-scpls
 *.ico -> image/x-ico
 *.sxw -> application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
 *.mpe -> video/mpeg
 *.jp2 -> image/jpeg2000
 *.fli -> video/x-flic
 *.snd -> audio/basic
 *.wb3 -> application/x-quattropro
 *.xac -> application/x-gnucash
 *.ltx -> text/x-tex
 *.wb2 -> application/x-quattropro
 *.gra -> application/x-graphite
 *.wb1 -> application/x-quattropro
 *.wpg -> application/x-wpg
 *.flc -> video/x-flic
 *.scm -> text/x-scheme
 *.adb -> text/x-adasrc
 *.vor -> application/vnd.stardivision.writer
 *.wpd -> application/vnd.wordperfect
 *.tsv -> text/tab-separated-values
 *.jng -> image/x-jng
 *.tif -> image/tiff
 *.sxm -> application/vnd.sun.xml.math
 *.asx -> video/x-ms-asf
 *.lyx -> application/x-lyx
 *.p7s -> application/pkcs7-signature
 *.log -> text/x-log
 *.icb -> image/x-icb
 *.aif -> audio/x-aiff
 *.der -> application/x-x509-ca-cert
 *.pas -> text/x-pascal
 *.eps -> image/x-eps
 *.kil -> application/x-killustrator
 *.sxi -> application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
 *.mov -> video/quicktime
 *.sxg -> application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global
 *.xpm -> image/x-xpixmap
 *.djv -> image/vnd.djvu
 *.pfx -> application/x-pkcs12
 *.sms -> application/x-sms-rom
 *.nes -> application/x-nes-rom
 *.asp -> application/x-asp
 *.sxd -> application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
 *.txt -> text/plain
 *.sxc -> application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
 *.uil -> text/x-uil
 *.bdf -> application/x-font-bdf
 *.bin -> application/octet-stream
 *.voc -> audio/x-voc
 *.vob -> video/mpeg
 *.3ds -> image/x-3ds
 *.ksp -> application/x-kspread
 *.sml -> application/smil
 *.tcl -> text/x-tcl
 *.cdr -> application/vnd.corel-draw
 *.asf -> video/x-ms-asf
 *.deb -> application/x-deb
 *.smi -> application/smil
 *.s3m -> audio/x-s3m
 *.ppz -> application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
 *.asc -> text/plain
 *.mtm -> audio/x-mod
 *.uni -> audio/x-mod
 *.smf -> application/vnd.stardivision.math
 *.mod -> audio/x-mod
 *.moc -> text/x-moc
 *.bib -> text/x-bibtex
 *.smd -> application/vnd.stardivision.mail
 *.ppt -> application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
 *.pps -> application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
 *.cdf -> application/x-netcdf
 *.pfb -> application/x-font-type1
 *.pfa -> application/x-font-type1
 *.rgb -> image/x-rgb
 *.src -> application/x-wais-source
 *.ppm -> image/x-portable-pixmap
 *.bz2 -> application/x-bzip
 *.doc -> application/vnd.ms-word
 *.m15 -> audio/x-mod
 *.csv -> text/x-comma-separated-values
 *.rle -> image/rle
 *.etx -> text/x-setext
 *.sgm -> text/sgml
 *.ras -> image/x-cmu-raster
 *.swf -> application/x-shockwave-flash
 *.lhz -> application/x-lhz
 *.rar -> application/x-rar
 *.wk4 -> application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3
 *.sgl -> application/vnd.stardivision.writer
 *.vpp -> application/x-extension-vpp
 *.so -> application/x-sharedlib
 *.cs -> text/x-csharp
 *.nc -> application/x-netcdf
 *.sh -> application/x-shellscript
 *.xm -> audio/x-xm
 *.hs -> text/x-haskell
 *.hp -> text/x-chdr
 *.xi -> audio/x-xi
 *.ms -> text/x-troff-ms
 *.cc -> text/x-c++src
 *.hh -> text/x-c++hdr
 *.mm -> text/x-troff-mm
 *.bz -> application/x-bzip
 *.me -> text/x-troff-me
 *.rm -> audio/x-pn-realaudio
 *.md -> application/x-genesis-rom
 *.gz -> application/x-gzip
 *.ra -> audio/x-pn-realaudio
 *.gg -> application/x-sms-rom
 *.XM -> audio/x-mod
 *.qt -> video/quicktime
 *.gb -> application/x-gameboy-rom
 *.aw -> application/x-applix-word
 *.au -> audio/basic
 *.as -> application/x-applix-spreadsheet
 *.la -> application/x-shared-library-la
 *.al -> application/x-perl
 *.ai -> application/illustrator
 *.fo -> text/x-xslfo
 *.ag -> image/x-applix-graphics
 *.py -> application/x-python
 *.pw -> application/x-pw
 *.ps -> application/postscript
 *.po -> text/x-gettext-translation
 *.pm -> application/x-perl
 *.pl -> application/x-perl
 *.ez -> application/andrew-inset
 *.g3 -> image/fax-g3
 *.ui -> application/x-designer
 *.el -> text/x-emacs-lisp
 *.js -> application/x-javascript
 *.ts -> application/x-linguist
 *.tr -> application/x-troff
 *.tk -> text/x-tcl
 *.it -> audio/x-it
 *.dc -> application/x-dc-rom
 *.f -> text/x-fortran
 *.c -> text/x-csrc
 *.a -> application/x-archive
 *.Z -> application/x-compress
 *.C -> text/x-c++src
 *pk -> application/x-tex-pk
 *.t -> application/x-troff
 *.p -> text/x-pascal
 *.o -> application/x-object
 *.m -> text/x-objcsrc
 *.h -> text/x-chdr
 *~ -> application/x-trash
 *% -> application/x-trash

Complex patterns (5):
 *.anim[1-9j] -> video/x-anim
 [Mm]akefile -> text/x-makefile
 makefile* -> text/x-makefile
 README* -> text/x-readme
 *.*gf -> application/x-tex-gf

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