[Thunar-workers] [DokuWiki] page added: ui:gtkfilechooser-like

thunar-workers at xfce.org thunar-workers at xfce.org
Fri Mar 4 23:52:07 CET 2005

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2005/03/04 22:52
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New Revision: http://thunar.xfce.org/wiki/ui:gtkfilechooser-like
Edit Summary: created
User        : benny

====== User interface - GtkFileChooser-like mockup ======

===== Motivation =====
It's quite clear that with a navigational approach you need some
control element in the user interface that tells the user which
directory he's visiting currently. While a location bar is the
common approach to solve this problem, Auke Kok recently suggested
to use the GtkFileChooser solution here, using a button bar as

===== Prototype =====
So the UI prototype was extended to include the GtkFileChooser-like
location bar. You can switch to it using **View->GtkFileChooser-like**.



===== Possible problems =====
Personally I see some problems with this design:

  * The treepane doesn't work well
  * It doesn't play well with the toolbar
  * It looks odd without additional spacing around the main box

To sum up: It doesn't look quite right yet, more work required
on the UI. ;-)

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