[Thunar-dev] Using %-style formatting in Thunar custom actions

fliehen fliehen at posteo.net
Fri Jun 9 14:15:37 CEST 2017

Good day everyone,

I've got a quick question regarding Thunar's custom actions!
I've made an action to split audio files using shnsplit -- pretty easy:

shnsplit -f %f -t "%n. %t" -o flac %d/$(basename %f .cue).flac

However, the formatting following the -t option is meant for shnsplit, not Thunar! Which means %n gets expanded into the file name.
I've also tried using just %t, which is not used by Thunar, and that also breaks it. Perhaps it gets expanded into nothing.

Is it impossible to give certain programs %-style formatting via custom actions?
I've tried escaping using "\", to no avail.

Thank you very much,

fliehen <fliehen at posteo.net>

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