[Thunar-dev] Some minor thingies...

Bernhard Walle bernhard.walle at gmx.de
Mon Mar 13 09:37:50 CET 2006


sofar <sofar at foo-projects.org> [2006-03-12]:
> IANAL !!!
> Apple (and any major corporation in the industry) will most likely try to file all their patents in both US, important Asian and european markets. If you have any doubts, contact a legal representator or parties like the EFF/EDRI on the issue, most of them can help you with factual information. Even though patents might not prove valid in certain areas, it could seriously impact the way Xfce can be distributed - even though it's almost completely based in Europe. Sad but true.

So, let's remove all scrollbars. They are patented.

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