[Thunar-dev] trash empty/full icons

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Thu Aug 24 18:59:47 CEST 2006

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>>>>I'm finding some weirdness with retrieving the icon to be displayed for
>>>>the trash.  When the trash status changes between empty and full,
>>>>xfdesktop notices, and invalidates its old icon pixbuf.  But when it
>>>>calls thunar_vfs_info_get_custom_icon() again, it'll return the old icon
>>>>name.  That is, if the trash was originally full, it returns
>>>>gnome-vfs-trash-full.  However, after the trash is emptied, it still
>>>>returns gnome-vfs-trash-full.
>>>>If I restart xfdesktop, it'll pick up whichever icon is correct (either
>>>>empty or full) on startup, but will never change the icon if the trash
>>>>empty/full status changes.
>>>>I tried refreshing the icon's ThunarVfsInfo by calling
>>>>thunar_vfs_path_get_for_trash() followed by
>>>>thunar_vfs_info_new_for_path() when the trash full/empty status changes,
>>>>but that didn't seem to help.
>>>>Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
>>>Uhm I thought you're using the D-Bus interface now?
> Er... what does that have to do with anything?  D-Bus doesn't provide icons.

If you use the D-Bus interface, you shouldn't use the trash:-module in
thunar-vfs at all. If the trash reports "full", use
"gnome-fs-trash-full", and if the trash reports "empty", use
"gnome-fs-trash-empty" (or try the Tango equivalents first, as you like).

> 	-brian


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