[Thunar-dev] Fwd: Gnome is trying to decrease memory usage.

Jeff Franks jcfranks at tpg.com.au
Thu Sep 29 02:31:42 CEST 2005

Benedikt Meurer wrote:

> [snip]
>And to avoid confusion: I didn't say that Xfce should switch to another
>toolkit. I just said, it'd be nice if Xfce would switch as a whole. I'm
>talking about Thunar here (that's why it's on thunar-dev instead of
>xfce4-dev). And I'm not talking about switching right now. I'm currently
>looking for (read: evaluating) alternatives and the most promising for
>Thunar is Qt4. I could also imagine a KDE4-based Thunar, as the goals
>are pretty to those of KDE4 (and no that's not the "look funky" goal).
>I'm not that religious to say: Here we are with Gtk2 and there's no
>better foundation for the file manager.
>This mail is based on my current frustration with Gtk and other parts of
>the GNOME core, so interpret it accordingly. I spent so much time on
>Thunar just to make sure there are no memleaks or crashes, which was
>pretty successfull, but took so much time and energy that there's nearly
>no real progress, and that's frustrating and daunting. Sure, I'm not a C
>programmer, but nevertheless I'm sure that the problem is not solely on
>my side.
I can hear Olivier stamping his foot already... because this is going to 
become an off topic very fast. So before it does I'll put my two cents 
worth in:

Benedikt, any time you and/or any one else wants to make the jump to QT4 
I will gladly follow... and take my skills with me. I agree with 
everything you have said on this topic. I have been fed up with 
GTK+/GNOME for years (and Fedora). The root of the problem as I see it 
is Redhat's control over both projects (the project leaders work for 
Redhat). This has continually stifled innovation because both projects 
are not independent and tend to program with Redhat blinkers on. I have 
continued to write my C++ library for GTK+ for several reasons. I have 
already spent  years on my project and it's hard to throw it all away. 
When I started out I thought that GTK+ needed all the help it could 
get... but I was wrong. It is very hard to help either GTK or GNOME 
programmatically. In the past my concern about moving to QT is  "What 
program would I write if I did"? Language bindings are out... I wouldn't 
know what to program. One thing I am looking forward to is the first 
stable release of openSUSE next week. Finally I can dump Fedora.

Well, that's my opinion. I wont mention it again.
Jeff Franks.

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